I live in "Central" time zone. That leaves me 6th from the end. When my clock displayed 12:00 to start today, part of the world had already been in this day for 18 hours.
I could go on a deep tangent about how people there have made mistakes today. Mistakes I could learn from and change my day to fix. A "turn your destiny" kind of thing. But it's irrelevant, and so I won't. But it's interesting. To me :)
Anyway, each day runs pretty much the same. By the time I start my job, other people have gone to work, come home, and are back in bed. Granted, some people are vacationing or traveling or at home sick. But for the most part, people are working the entire 24 hours-- somewhere. Yes, yes, there are factories and hospitals and 24-hour places just here in the US. It only adds to my point that people are constantly working.
I recently re-joined a church with a congregation around 1,000. I have thought many times about what it's like to sing with that kind of number and about the kind of glorified freight train-ish roar heaven will sound like. I've also considered how many other churches are full of people singing worshipful praise to our King at the same time.
I think about how that makes God smile. For Him to see us proclaiming the love we feel all week but keep to ourselves. I don't know about you, but I don't walk around my house saying "Hallelujah, grace like rain falls down on me." But to be able to say those words and reflect on His goodness and how undeserving I am of it is a healthy sort of searching. And declaring things aloud like "You're beautiful," or "I adore You," pushes me to channel further into my heart and immerse myself in truths I'm usually too busy overlooking. AND it's singing! In a quick search of just the words "music, song, sing, and instrument," over 400 references pop up. God LOVES music.
And God loves people. So put together His people making music just to thank Him for being Him (some peoples' singing may be a stretch to deem "music" to our ears :) ), and I really think we've got a good thing going Sunday morning.
Here's the kicker.
By the time I start work any given weekday, people around the globe have been working for 18 hours. So by the time I'm sitting in my first service Sunday morning at 8:30. . . people around the globe have been singing praise for 18 hours. Eighteen straight hours of praise to the King of Kings!!! People complimenting my Daddy :) And it continues for 6 more!
People in China risk sacrificing everything to meet together in secret for His Name and the spread of His love. What higher honor could we give our King?
It's like Father's Day every Sunday for Him.
So this Sunday, whether your alarm goes off or your kids jolt you from sleep or the dog drapes his leash across your face, try to wake up thinking about how God's day is going. Know that you have the opportunity to join in heaven's eternal song to Him and earth's one, ongoing day of praise.