Sleep evades me tonight.
I was lying alone in my bed, thinking of how many others are doing the same tonight. Except they're grieving loss. Whether in Nice, Dallas, Baton Rouge, Minneapolis, or elsewhere.
Unjust loss.
I am unaccustomed to this weight in my chest, pressing down like an asthma attack that won't take my breath.
For weeks now, I've been watching people I love utilize social media to smear one another with memes, articles, videos and the like-- standing behind beliefs in causes that are bigger than any one of us. Choosing to die on these hills. As if tainted, biased public posts are helping to bring change.
(Also, I decided that I'm bringing homemade cookies to my police department tomorrow. With my kids. We're going to take action to do something positive and encouraging, by jove.)
Then I thought about the phrase "it is well with my soul" and how untrue it is right now. And it made me wonder. If we could get away from the media, the noise, the "information", what would we would hear?
For me, it would be the gentle, familiar voice of the Creator.
He isn't pacing around, wringing His hands, trying to figure out what to do with "us" now that things are so badly botched up. No, He's seated. On a throne. Inviting us to His embrace of protection. Of peace. Of finding "wellness" in our souls.
So that's where I'm going to rest tonight, choosing to believe that He sees every empty bed, every missing plate at dinner tables-- every broken heart-- and He's calling us to Him. The waves and wind still know His name, and so do I. It is well, because He is good.
Side note: this is the song that inspired the post. :) Give it a listen.