The impact a simple flat iron can have on my self esteem amazes me. I can get dressed up as cute as I can be, but if my hair is waving and frizzing like Einstein, I feel like a child who cannot be taken with any hint of legitimacy. Why?! It's hair. And it's only named "hair" to be nice. If we were honest, we would more rightly title it something like "lengthening fused dead skin cells." Yet we put time, effort, and a great deal of money into maintaining it.
We (women at least) want hair on our heads, but not on our faces, legs or armpits. Arms are okay. A few other areas may be acceptable. Who made these decisions?
It would be awesome if I could write this cute little entry and add that I don't care about those things. No, I look at people and see their hearts. I look past the missing teeth or the hairy mole and only see passion and love. But that is not true.
I know of one person who can look at people like that. One. And I'm not even sure He actually sees exteriors. Okay, that's not true either. Girls, put away the mini skirts, and pull out some modesty. He does care about the outside :) But even that stems from love. He loves His sons enough to ask His daughters to cover up.
Anyway, I was talking to Him just this afternoon about how hard it is for me to get past appearances. I asked Him to show me people like He sees them. I cannot imagine what that would look like. Shallow Hal presents the only scenario that even skims how I could see that going. But I don't think God will let me off that easy.
So I am publicly vowing-- at least for a day-- to try seeing people for who they may be instead of who I assume them to be. Wish me luck.
Good Luck!! That is a hard thing to do!