Monday, November 15, 2010

Facebook Hiatus

It's been a long time coming. Nearly a year ago, our small group went through a study that asked each us to voluntarily give up something that "consumes" us for one week. At the time, I was scrap-booking like a mad woman with every second of my free time. And so I gave it up for a week. Secretly, I was glad I was so delved into my hobby, because it meant I wouldn't have to give up Facebook like so many of my friends did.

It's been on my mind since then. I think about it every time I almost burn a meal, my kid nearly falls down the stairs, or when my daughter wants to dance with me, and I "just need to finish this quickly." All of those have resulted from my head being stuck in my Facebook account-- which OBVIOUSLY can't wait a few minutes. Ever.

It's ridiculous how much of my attention goes to that single website.

I was sitting on the floor, playing with my little boy a few days ago when my husband was home for lunch. It happened again the next day, and I thought to myself, "Rodney must think I'm a great mom and just do this all day every day." And that was when I realized that the only reason I was sitting on the floor with my boy was because my husband had taken my spot in the computer chair, and I needed to pass the time.

That should NOT be the reason I play, dance, color, build with my kids.

There are a few other contributing factors to my break from Facebook, but those are some big ones.

I have often thought that I couldn't take time off from it. As if I would in some way cease to function without it at my disposal. There are always excuses-- as dumb as they may be. But the excuses stop now.

I'm nervous that I'll miss some sort of crucial information (like Thanksgiving updates, major changes in peoples' lives, etc), but that's a risk I'll need to take. I think it'll be freeing, I think it will be boring, I think it will be scary. But I think, ultimately, it will be a great thing for my parenting, writing, musicianship, and anything else I can pursue with my new-found time.

Or maybe I'm overly optimistic about it. Oh well. We'll find out.

I will continue to blog. My site auto-feeds through to my Facebook "notes" if anyone's interested. Everyone on Facebook has access to my e-mail address, and all my friends have my phone number. I will not be "off the grid" :)

I will see you all on Tuesday, November 30.


  1. I am so proud of you~~ now for more of us~~

  2. Hey Laura.. I wish you the best of luck! When my kids were little, we didn't have a computer, most people didn't. But we found ways of spending time not playing with our kids. Soap Operas! I think a big reason soaps aren't on anymore is because we can entertain ourselves with our computers.
